Sunday, 6 May 2012

Installing MATLAB: processor is missing the SSE2 instructions

 Enter the chroot environment:

dchroot -d

2. Several key packages may be missing which require installation:


sudo apt-get install libxp6 libxt6 libxtst6

3. Now insert the matlab cdrom, remount it and run the install:


sudo umount /media/cdrom sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom

sudo mkdir /opt/matlab7 cd /opt/matlab7 sudo sh
/media/cdrom/ -glnx86

4. The new chroot32 environment for some reason still considers itself

to be of ia64 architecture. So the matlab install script merrily churns
away, installs all the binaries to .../glnx86 directories and makes its
own scripts point to .../glnxa64 directories which don't exist. Very
annoying, so we simply symlink wherever necessary:

cd /opt/matlab7/bin sudo mv glnxa64 glnxa64.old sudo ln -s glnx86

glnxa64 cd /opt/matlab7/extern/lib sudo ln -s glnx86 glnxa64 cd
/opt/matlab7/sys/java/jre sudo ln -s glnx86 glnxa64 cd
/opt/matlab7/sys/java/jre/glnx86/jre1.4.2/lib sudo ln -s i386 amd64

5. The last step is because matlab can't access a terminal window. I'm

not sure how this works, but the /chroot/dev/pts directory is not
properly mounted. You need to remount this. So in a new terminal window
(not chroot) go:

sudo umount /chroot/dev sudo mount --rbind /dev /chroot/dev

6. Now finally to remove the oscheck error message, open up the file:

sudo gedit /chroot/opt/matlab7/bin/util/

Goto line 150, comment it out and insert a version number so looks like


# ver=`/lib/ | head -n 1 | sed -e "s/^[^0-9]*//" -e "s/[

,].*$//"` ver=`objdump -x /lib/|egrep " GLIBC_"|tail -1|awk
-F_ '{print $2}'`

7. Now you can type "matlab" and it should work without any errors or


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